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"Creativity requires you believe and trust it exists in everyone, especially yourself.  You may feel creativity is an elusive butterfly and that everyone has a net but you. However, creativity is more than an elusive butterfly. Creativity is the caterpillar of change.  Creativity is the slow, methodical caterpillar that has to cross the street.  With luck it won’t be squashed by a Mack truck of a negative remark and will instead be able to climb a mammoth tree and in time, will take gorgeous flight."   - Carol Ikard


The Way Forward

Bubba ‘freakin’ Stern, overconfident bad boy Investigative Reporter, stumbles onto what appears to be a standard corporate fraud case. But when two disabled young Hispanic workers enter the picture, he loses his objectivity and for the first time his cold heart experiences real empathy. It’s ironic how empathy leads to the best story, renewed inspiration, and surprisingly, to true love.

Many Facets of a Diamond

Short story published by Rio Grande Review.


Discover what goes on behind closed doors when family members open the door to honesty.

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